Monday, February 16, 2015

Training in Salt Lake City and USA Travel

Our training as temple ordinance workers began December 15th and continued through the 17th.  We were trained by Brother and Sister Walker in the Salt Lake Temple.

It's official!  Brother and Sister Cannon are really going on a mission.

A very early morning on the way to the temple for training.  Notice the Nativity Scene in the picture to the right.

The Temple grounds are so beautiful at any time of the year.  But they are especially beautiful during the Christmas season.

Our training was intense and wonderful.  We trained with about 15 couples - all going to temples around the world.  One of the other couples was assigned to the Washington, D.C. Temple with us.  

The first morning on our way to breakfast, we saw a man coming in from outside, from his morning run.  We were dressed with our name tags on.  He said, "Where are you going?" I thought it was a weird question from a stranger (not thinking about having our name tags on).  I said, "To breakfast." He said, "No, where are you going on your mission?" It was then funny.  (Maybe, you had to be there.)  It just so happens he and his wife are the couple here with us.  Great people.

It was so fun to go to breakfast each morning of training and also on the morning of our departure.  I love to go out to eat; but I think breakfast just might be my favorite.


Okay.  Here we go!

On the morning (actually, it was early afternoon) of December 18 we left the beautiful Utah Valley to begin our journey across the United States to become missionaries in the Washington, D.C. Temple.  How blessed we are.

That first night we were so tired, it was so late, and there was no place in sight to spend the night - so this looked pretty good (in the dark).

In the morning we had a good laugh.  But we'd had a good night's rest and were ready to continue.  The next few nights we were able to find lovely places to stay.  And we enjoyed them very much.

All this stuff for one night?

Yup!  You should see what's still in the car!   

Always up for a good time!    

We saw some beautiful sights in our beautiful country.
Green River, Woming.

We found familiar places to eat; and I couldn't resist taking a picture of Michael when he was standing in front of this sign in Jimmy John's.  In case, you can't read it, it says:  "If you do the things you need to do when you need to do them--THEN SOMEDAY--you can do the things you want to do when you want to do them."  It seemed apropos.  

Just ONE of the little treats that got us from one side of the United States to the other.  Notice the upper left hand corner - yarn and a crochet hook.

Another thing that got us across the country - many crochet stitches - seven scarves.  We made more than one stop at Walmarts along the way because I kept running out of yarn.

Another familiar place with an historical marker that I thought was interesting.
Sidney, Nebraska.

The long road ahead.......
Big Springs, Nebraska.

More beautiful scenery.......
Lexington, Nebraska.

Golf, anyone?  Honest.  Table Creek Golf Course in Nebraska. 

An impressive bridge over the Missouri River.

Kansas City Ruby Tuesday close to our hotel.
It was very cold but the snow was beautiful; and we walked to dinner where we had a lovely meal.

Moving right along toward Chicago, Illinois, and Louisville, Kentucky.

Thinking of you little sister, Sandie.  Memphis - home of Elvis Presley.

Another impressive bridge - this one in Louisville, Kentucky.

Saturday night we went looking for the nearest church in Hurstbourne, Kentucky.  Siri took us on a 45 minute ride - only to discover that the church could be seen from our hotel.  Kinda funny.  Can't always trust our electronics.

Beautiful sunset in Morehead, Kentucky.

Hooray for Days Inn.
Snow Hill, West Virginia.

Beautiful morning sky in Marmet, West Virginia.

Rich Creek, Virginia.

Michael rewarded our faithful Toyota with a "bath" before we arrived at our new home.
We were blessed with dry roads the entire trip.  We saw lots of snow on the ground and in the mountains - but none on the roads.  Prayers answered.  Thank you.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Three More Christmas Celebrations

While we were visiting John & Kim and their family we had the wonderful opportunity to deliver some Christmas packages to the beautiful mother of our sweet Sister Jensen who was serving in our ward in West Linn.  It was fun to visit with her for a few minutes.  

The first Utah celebration was with John and Kim and their family

Just hanging out with Grampa.  Bonus:  all six Utah grandchildren in one place!
Hallie reading a story.

"Grampa, you read it now."

I love that Hayden is sitting right below the scripture in John that refers to "His Only Begotten Son."

Frosting Kim's amazing sugar cookies.  Where is she?  Oh, of course, she's in the kitchen, making sure that everyone has a good time.  Yummy fun!

Good job, Gramma.

Henry and Eloise showing off their cookies.  Aren't they all so cute?  I mean the people.  (The cookies are cute too.)

What a beautiful girl!
Both inside and out.

Hey!  Gramma & Grampa, wanna go for a ride?
Annie photo bombing - too cute.  BTW - Hallie is a very good driver!

So fun to see Doralee (Michael's sister) who met us for dinner at Chick-fil-A before we went to do our book shopping.

So fun to hang out with such awesome people - like Hayden.

Gramma & Grampa, I know it isn't a book; but can I have it, pleeeeeease?

Say Cheese!

So many choices!

I think it's funny that the Nook ad is in the background and this cute picture was taken with an iPad.

And here we are - all gathered together from various parts of the book store.

Hi Kim! (our daughter-in-law)

Abbey and Kim looking on as Father says good-bye to Son.

Merry Christmas from Angel Abbey.

Christmas with Jeffrey and his family

Jeffrey and family also chose Chick-fil-A for their dinner.  

Story Time with Gramma and Grampa.

Night time video.

And story time with Daddy....

....and Mommy.

And now for the book shopping

May I have this one too?

There are lots of fun things at the book store.

Some serious decision-making going on here.

That was fun!

Making cookies with Gramma.

The Cannon boys are never too old for Lego.

Future maestros.

Squish me, Daddy.

Playing with the sheets from Gramma and Grampa's bed.

Let's make a tent.

This is fun.

Father-Son duet.

This is the front of their house through our car window covered with snow.
Merry Christmas from the Jeffrey Cannons.

And now for our fifth and final 2014 Christmas - and it was with Brad

Welcome to Blacksburg, Virginia, home of Brad Cannon.

I wanted a picture of them shopping together; but they didn't want to hold still.  
(sorry this is blurry)

Beautiful reindeer - Christmas gift to Brad from Vikki.

Preparing special dishes for Christmas Eve Dinner.

Hanging out with Gypsy while my rolls rise.

And the tradition lives on...

These guys set a beautiful table.
The meal was really yummy.
After dinner we had a beautiful Christmas Eve program.

We had an amazing Christmas morning - many fun gifts.

Crocheted scarves from Mom.

Gypsy enjoying one of her gifts.

Brad took us to look at the decorated homes in the area.

Diet Coke in a frosted mug - Yummy.
The mugs (a previous Christmas gift from John and Kim) are kept in the freezer!

Brad's firepit on his back deck.
It was a beautiful December evening.  Notice - no coats!

This is the end of the 2014 Christmas celebrations.

So NEXT blog will be our training days in Salt Lake City and our travels across the United States.

Love and hugs to you all from Elder and Sister Cannon in Washington, D.C.