Monday, August 17, 2015

June 2015 in Kensington, MD / Washington DC Temple Mission

Happy June!
I've been having trouble with my phone and my computer not getting along.  But I think I have them talking to each other again. Sorry this is so late.

This is my sweet Visiting Teaching Companion - Sister Helen Hansen.

And this is one of the sisters we visit teach - Sister Annette Cook.  We all go to Sister Hansen's house to do the visiting teaching.  I love it.  Annette has gone home to Utah - we plan to visit her and her husband, Chall on our way home.  They are wonderful people.

Here are the crazy Cannons, Lewises and Wassons - going to the National Zoological Park - better known as the zoo.

The park is beautiful.  Notice the cute little frog to the left of my handsome husband.

I really wanted to see the baby panda but he was nowhere to be seen.  

Michael is really into his story - and his audience is mesmerized!

We were fascinated by the elephants.  This one especially, as she kept crossing her legs.

More of the beautiful park and Michael again.

This pose cracks me up - they appear to be mimicking the frog!

No one would ride the carousel with me, so I went by myself.

Look, kids, no hands!

And it was over waaay too soon.

Lest you think we only play, we gave a pass-along card to these sweet ladies who refilled our drink cups.  They seemed very interested in what we had to say.  It was really fun.  I try to give a pass-along card whenever we are out.

My friend, Pam Lewis, and I wanted to go shopping; and the boys didn't want to be left behind - so they tagged along.

It appears that they really had a good time.

We love to receive pictures of our family.  You guys look awesome!  Michael is getting nervous about playing golf with Parker when we return.  He's pretty sure he will get beat.  Way to go, Parker.

Happy Birthday, Annie.  Thank you for sharing your birthday with us.

Here are the Modjeskis having their Game Olympics.  Parker was the winner at this game.  You all look so happy!

Happy Birthday, Max.

Max, having sliced hot dogs like he used to have at Gramma's house.  I love it!

Allyson is being supported by her brothers (aren't they cute?) as she won a superior in the Intermediate 2 Category in technique and then she won the Drill Down.  She was the only freshman.  There were 16 high schools participating.  It was a 50's theme dance.  Hence, the 'cute' glasses.  Way to go, Allyson!

Accomplishments to be treasured!

More cute Cannon girls - sitting on the counter!  I love it!

And here's our handsome Hayden as he prepares to enter the mission field - going to serve the Lord in the Ohio Cincinnati Mission.  Hayden, we are so proud of you. 

Sailing for Seniors
There were three sailboats available to us and this is the one we were able to go on (the big one).  What a thrill!  

This is Sister Bywater.  She and her husband are the owners of the boat.  We work with them in the Baptistry in the temple on Friday evenings.  She wanted "happy Sister Cannon" on their boat.  Very fun.

Brother and Sister Maia from Sao Paulo.  He is a counselor in our bishopric.  Wonderful people.

I think Michael is helping.

This is a buoy where a large bird has built a huge nest.

He looks awesome behind the wheel, don't you think?

......hanging out with two of my friends, Sisters Hockett and Voelcker.

The ride is over and a good time was had by all.  Nobody fell in.

There was sooo much yummy good food - PLUS all the crab you could eat.  No thank you; I thought it (the crab) was disgusting!

I love the awesome thunder, beautiful lightening and pouring rain that we get here.  It comes suddenly and is gone suddenly.  We were soaked by the time we got from our car to the apartment.  We had several umbrellas in our car which we were able to loan to others who were arriving home at the same time we were.  We were laughing so hard as we sloshed through the water.

Another beautiful night and program at the Visitors Center.  I love how the temple is reflected in the pond by the VC.

Happy Father's Day from Vikki.

A fun Relief Society project, making very pretty necklaces from a new kind of yarn and a very large crochet hook.

Beautiful scenery as we drove to meet Brad for lunch at a Cracker Barrel Restaurant.  He was driving to Michigan for work and wanted to treat his dad (and me) to lunch in honor of Father's Day.  We love these restaurants.  We arrived early, so I was able to really have a good look around in the awesome gift shop!

More beautiful scenery.
...having a great time together.  Aren't my guys cute?

Father's Day BBQ - and of course - more yummy good.

Michael and Brother Maia.

Our good friends, the Slades.  They have gone home to Utah/Arizona.  :(

Sister Voelcker - she has gone home for the break.  She is a district worker from Maryland who lives in the apartments.  She is a hair dresser; she cuts my hair and gets my gallon jugs of hairspray for me.

Sister Colton - the temple matron.  She is playing the game I was in charge of.  Putting 20
M & Ms in the cup by sucking them up on the end of the straw.  She thought she was going to hyperventilate.

Happy Father's Day cake.

Brad gave his dad a 4-pack of this yummy special root beer for Father's Day.

And he did enjoy it.

Just hangin' out on the front steps.

Barr and Nancy came to stay with us for a couple of nights.  We had such a wonderful visit.  They told us about their mission to New Zealand.  They were on their way to England to deliver some genealogy they had miraculously found while serving in New Zealand.

We went to dinner at Jacki Gardner's home in Haymarket, Virginia.  Jacki is the secretary in the Baptistry and is such an amazing person.  We have the privilege of serving with her every Saturday.  Her home is a lovely place on a beautiful pond and across from a golf course.

Jacki was teaching the Gospel Doctrine class for her first time and her husband was out of town.  So Michael and I went to her ward to support her.  She was afraid no one would participate.  Since her husband was out of town, we volunteered to go - she did a great job!  We went to her home after church for a great BBQ.

Taking in the beautiful view.

And now he's watching (longingly) the golfers across the pond.

If you look really close, you will see a cardinal in this darling bird house.  It was my first sighting of a cardinal (other than in pictures).  I was so excited.

And here we are enjoying this beautiful day and beautiful place.

On our way home from Haymarket.  We always see this view of the temple when we're on the I 495; and I always try to get a good picture but am never able to (moving vehicle).  In fact, I said I didn't know why I was doing it again since I never do get a good one.  And what do you know!  I got a good one!  Made me happy.  It is such a beautiful edifice.

We have what is called a "Hail and Farewell" when missionaries enter and leave the mission.  The Elder on the left is a new missionary, Elder Hill, from Utah.  And Elder Lunnen, from Washington state, is in the middle; and Elder Slade, from Arizona/Utah, is on the right.  They were reciting "Sam McGee." They gave a great rendition.

And here are the Slades at the Visitors Center, after their farewell.  We miss them so much.

This is not a very clear picture of me and some of my friends, but the temple in the background is breathtaking.

Reflection of the temple in the pond outside the Visitors Center.

As Elder Cannon and I do things we have never done before, we are so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who guides and directs us.

We love you all!

Remember who you are!

Elder and Sister Cannon in Washington, D.C.


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