Wednesday, November 25, 2015

September 2015 in Kensington MD / Washington DC Temple Mission

Happy September!

Something to think about.

Michael and I had been told about this amazing place:  Brookside Botanical Gardens.  It is only a few miles from our apartment; and it was so beautiful.


One of the missionaries had a 'heart episode' and caused a bit of excitement in our building.  Everything turned out okay.

Our little town of Kensington had their version of 'Arts in the Parks.' It was fun to walk through all the displays.  Someone thought this was art.


Our friends, Ruffin and Linda LeBrane do not have a car here.  We went on a bus date to eat dinner at P.F. Changs.

And then we went to Whole Foods.  It was a fun and interesting evening.


We went to the Smithsonian American Art (Portrait Gallery) Museum.
Michael is reading a plaque about Joseph Smith (picture on the wall).

Of course, I had to 'look up' Elvis Presley for my sister (Sandie).

It was fun to look at all the sports people.  Many of whom I did not know - but Michael did.

The architecture was amazing!

Then we went to Chinatown.

And ate at a Chinese restaurant called Jacki's - it was pretty good.  And such a fun day.


My friend, Linda LeBrane and I decided to have a 'girls' day out.' So we took the Kensington Train into the District.

We caught the Circular Bus that took us all around the monuments and museums.  So we jumped on and off.  It was really fun.

Linda really wanted to go to the National Gallery of Art.  There was a particular artist's work that she wanted to see - Thomas Cole.  She was not disappointed!  We saw some amazing paintings - some of which brought tears to my eyes they were so beautiful!  And to think about how old they are.

There is a place where 'artists' can come and bring their paints, etc., to paint their own rendition of some of the work that was there.  It was interesting to watch this lady 'set up.'

Amazing!  Beautiful!

I was using my new selfie-stick.  There was a sculpture in the background - we weren't fans.

This is a city of such grace and beauty.  I love being here.

Taken from the bus - leaves just beginning to turn.

Linda is a fun person.

We had a fun time; and ate at the Shake Shack - Yummy!

And then - on our way home on the train.

We saw this adorable cotton plant on our walk from the train to our apartment.  I thought it looked like it had a cute face.


Clowning around in the Dollar Store.  I found great rubber gloves for doing dishes.  The best I have found.  I want to stock up before we leave our mission.


The incredible escalator at the Wheaton Metro Stop.  On our way to the National Museum of the American Indian.

It is a beautiful building.

With our friends, Marilyn and Barry Bruggeman, from Idaho Falls.

I was fascinated by the Inca Road!

Incredible!  "Walking 20 miles every day, it would take more than 3 years to walk the entire road network."

More of the outside beauty.


The long-awaited arrival of Sandie.  Michael is showing off his skills on the church's keyboard.

On our way to visit Brad.

Out to lunch with Brad and Andy at McAdoo's.

Still struggling with that selfie-stick.

The Hokie Bird mascot of Virginia Tech University.

This is a beautiful park near campus.  We had a lovely walk through here.

This scum is not so pretty, but the surrounding area was beautiful.

Sisters just enjoying being together.

We always find something to laugh about.

Isn't she so cute?  I just love her to pieces!

Deep in thought, Brad?

There are lots of ducks in this park.

Gypsy loves her, too!

A beautiful end of a beautiful day.

Brad and Andy fixed breakfast; Michael is sampling the biscuit dough;

and Sandie and I were upstairs with Dolly and

the Wizard of Oz folks.

An amazing breakfast of biscuits and gravy.

Just hangin' out.

And now we're off to see where Brad works and what he does at Virginia Tech Transportation Institute.
Behind him is the 'Smart Road.'

We saw some beautiful rolling hills in Virginia.

And this cute little church.

We stopped on our way back from Brad's work and a scenic tour to have some frozen yogurt.  It was a delightful day.


So now we're back in Kensington, checking out the shops.  I wanted to introduce Sandie to my new favorite jeweler.  All three of us were happy when the sisters left her store.

Having lunch in our cute little park.  Yummy, yummy sandwiches from the local deli just across the street.

Then we went to the Brookside Botanical Gardens.  There was a butterfly exhibit that I saved to do with Sandie.  It was phenomenal.  

It was fascinating!

I think this one is my favorite.

This is the second one of these chairs that I have seen since we have been here.  I really love it with my sister sitting in it.  We had such a great time.

uhhh - not so pretty!

This butterfly is from South Africa.

No comment.  

Resting - after a long, 'hard' day.
This is on our little deck.


The next day we headed for Hershey, PA but made a stop along the way at Gettysburg.  Actually, we were looking for a McDonald's and the road took us right through Gettysburg.  Such a lucky detour!

There is a cyclorama in the museum that is beyond amazing!  We felt as though we were in the middle of the battle.  Very sobering.

We had to say hello to Abe.

We were also able to tour President Eisenhower's home.  It was fantastic!

I didn't know that President Eisenhower was an artist.

I took this one for you, Brad.

We met this 'young' 97-year-old veteran of World War II.  He was fascinating; shown here with his very attentive, loving daughter.

He had quite a display of his war activities.  He was a very interesting man.

We were lucky enough to be there on this day when there was a WWII encampment setup.  It was impressive and Michael loved it.

And finally on to Hershey.

We are official chocolate palateers  This is our instructor.

This is Joe.  He is telling us all about Mr. Hershey and the wonderful things he did for the town.  He never had any children so he set up a schooling system for under-privileged children.  They live in homes in the area and attend school.  They have rules and guidelines  that they have to adhere to in order to remain in school.  But if they are serious about their education, they are even able to attend college.  Mr. Hershey was quite a humanitarian.

It was a really fun tour.

Since we were on a moving bus, I didn't get a very good picture of his home; but I think you can get the idea.


And now we're off to the Visitors Center.

Watching a movie in the Center; Sandie was cold and they had a blanket for her.  This was one of my favorite things we did while Sandie was here.  There is such a beautiful spirit there.

We are so blessed to serve in this beautiful place!


And now we're off to the District.

Waiting for the train.

We are close to the National Sculpture Garden; and these are very big doors!

We are in West Potomac Park.

Jefferson Memorial.

Worth reading.

Lincoln Memorial.  Thought provoking.

Looking from the Lincoln Memorial at the Washington Memorial.

Saying hello to President Roosevelt.

In 1933 President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), an innovative federally funded organization that put thousands of Americans to work during the Great Depression on projects with environmental benefits.

Korean War Veterans Memorial.


Constitution Gardens.

Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

We stopped in briefly at the National Museum of the American Indian.

Back on the Circulator Bus.

We made it through a rainstorm back to Central Station with tired, wet and muddy feet.
Still happy!


No wonder our feet hurt!  We walked over 20,000 steps today!
Our visit was over way too soon.  It was beyond wonderful to spend time with this fun, loving lady.  Thank you for coming, Sissy.

People and things I am missing!  I love my family!


Notice the cast on Allyson's right leg.

Allyson is the 4th one from the left.

Elder Hayden Cannon was hit by a car!  He told the driver that he was fine; but when he tried to ride his bike he discovered that his bike was not fine!

Ellie's first hair cut.  She has bangs now.  Isn't she cute?

Wyatt's first deer.  Way to go, Wyatt.  The family can eat this winter.

Good advice.

Even though this is my September blog, I'm wishing my friends and family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

We love you all!

Remember who you are!

Lots of love and hugs from
Elder & Sister Cannon in Washington D.C.


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