Sunday, December 6, 2015

November 2015 in Kensington, MD / Washington D.C. Temple Mission

Happy November!

The beauty of Mt. Hood.
It does tend to make me a little homesick.

Here we are getting ready to leave for Gettysburg.

Our Idaho Falls friends, the Bruggemans, rode with us.  Sometimes the traveling to and from can be as much fun as actually being at the destination.  It was a delightful day.

Once again, we found ourselves in the middle of the battlefield.  Still found it very sobering.

We spent quite a long time in the museum.
I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln: "I never, in my life, felt more certain that I was doing right, then I do in signing this paper."


Abraham Lincoln:  Gettysburg Address, 1863;
Declaration of Independence, 1776;
U.S. Constitution, 1787

After we had perused the museum, it was time for lunch.  We didn't want to eat in the cafe there;  and we knew (from past experience) where the nearest McDonald's was.  Our friends like McDonald's, too.  This beautiful rose was in the landscaping there.

The monuments and the scenery were amazing.

Very touching.

"Lincoln was Commander-in-Chief in this old battle; he wanted above all things to be Commander-in-Chief of the new peace."
President Franklin D. Roosevelt
Memorial Dedication, July 3, 1938

Good Advice

We had such a lovely day with these lovely people.

Visiting these historic sites really gives us something to think about.  We owe such a debt of gratitude to our forefathers.


We love President Monson and his great wisdom.

A beautiful day in early November.

Our cute little apartment.

Beautiful tree outside our bedroom window.


Moving right along toward Christmas.  The missionaries all gathered this beautiful morning to begin putting up lights on the temple grounds.  Did you ever see so many neatly wrapped strings of lights?!  Amazing!
This is our friend, Shirline Tefteller, from Highland, Utah.

Our friends, the LeBranes.

Here we are receiving instruction on where and how to put the lights.  We only did the low-lying bushes - old missionaries are not allowed on ladders.  :)

After we finished the lights, a few couples went to Cracker Barrel for lunch.  I love this place.  Not only do they have good food, but they have a fantastic gift shop.
I always try to complete this puzzle - and this time I got it right!  It was a happy day!

One of my goals on this mission was to make an afghan - it is almost finished!


How grateful we are to those men and women who have/and are/ serving this great country of ours.  This handsome man belongs to my sister, Sandie, and me.  Thanks, Sissy, for this great picture of our daddy.


One night after we had finished our shift in the temple, those of us who work in the Baptistry each Saturday mid-shift, went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner.
This is our Baptistry Director, Neil Gardner.  He had a REALLY large hamburger.
This is another one of our favorite places to eat.


One Sunday we went to church with our friend from Portland, Debbie Hansen.  Then we went to her apartment for dinner.  She and I crocheted; and Michael was able to watch a little TV.  We don't have a TV in our apartment.  I don't think he has missed it.

One very early morning before our shift.  This was taken by another missionary - who obviously gets up way earlier than I do!

A truck filled with Christmas trees.  They weren't from Oregon, but just the same, I had a twinge of being homesick.

This was a fun little project that I did one night from Starlight Mint candies.  They will be ornaments for the missionaries in our building.


Fog gives a different look to this beautiful place.


This beautiful geranium that I have been taking care of doesn't know it is now winter; and it just keeps blooming.

Thanksgiving Day with our friends, Cindy and Wayne Abernathy, in their home.  Their best friends for many years were also there and Peter Abernathy, just home from his mission in Brazil.

Wayne is definitely being a 'cut-up!'
As you can see, it was a beautiful bird.

This is my plate.  I thought it looked like a work of art.  And tasted like a work of art, as well.

Cindy and her friend played several duets on Cindy's beautiful baby grand piano.  They are both very accomplished.

And then Cindy and I sang Christmas Carols.

The piano is in their library.  I thought this was such an impressive picture.

This, too, was impressive!  Father and son cleaning up after dinner.

The other two men eventually gravitated into the kitchen with the Abernathy men.

We were honored that the Abernathys asked us to stay for the first time of turning on their lights for the season.  They were awesome.

They had some very spectacular laser lights.  If you look closely, you can see them on Michael's suit.

A beautiful couple and a beautiful evening.l

Thanksgiving Day Pictures

Cooper is in the pantry, eating his mother's caramel fudge.  I think he likes it.  :)

Come on, Paxton.  We won't drop you.


Happy Thanksgiving!

This is the door to our apartment.  The artwork is by Henry and Eloise.


Stephen and Paxton are getting in the Christmas Spirit.



Our good friend, and Michael's golfing buddy, Virgil Skyles.  He is helping Wayne get rid of the wood at the side of our house - by taking it to his house.  Thank you, Virgil.


We are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with Brad in his beautifully decorated home.

This is our cute little tree this year.  We love it!


The 'men of *Movember' in Jeffrey's office.
    *Movember (a portmanteau of the Australian-English diminutive word for moustache, "mo", and "November"; also known as No-Shave November) is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of various cancers, such as prostate cancer.


Some great ideas here.

I love this!

I Agree!!!

We love you all!

Remember who you are!

Lots of love and hugs from
Elder and Sister Cannon in Washington DC


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